Sample Data Files

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These files are intended to be used with in-class activity. These files were all obtained/edited/created by myself using techniques discussed in this class. The raw data, however, comes from elsewhere. Please do not distribute.

Florida Memory - WPA Church Survey

A survey of all known churchs from Florida, conducted by the Works Projects Administration in the 1930’s.

Executions in North America

From the ESPY Database, includes most known executions in N.A. going back to the 1600’s. Also contains a raw version, so that you can compare how one might approach narrowing down the number of total categories.

War Diaries - Baghdad 2004-2005

An excerpt from the WikiLeaks ‘War Diaries’ database, includes only data from Baghdad Jan 1 2004 - Dec 31 2005, as well as a number of txt files containing the incident reports.

USF in the News 2014

All news stories published about USF worldwide from 2014 in raw form. Text passages require scrubbing before use.


The text for Herodotus’ Historia, with full citation data for each passage. Text passages require scrubbing before use.

Florida Postcards

Raw data concerning a number of Florida Postcards, in need of serious cleaning.

Eleusis Inscriptions

Abridged data from the inscriptions of the ancient Athenian sanctuary of Eleusis